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Energy Communities Repository




Whether you're an energy community looking for support, or a government agency looking for inspiration on how to support energy communities in your constituency, you've come to the right place!

On this page, you will find national, regional, or local one-stop shops for energy communities. We will keep growing this page for you over time.

Do you know about any one-stop-shop or online platform that is not yet featured here? Let us know at infoatec-repository [dot] eu (info[at]ec-repository[dot]eu)!


  • Energy Community Platform
    Energy Community Platform

    This platform allows energy communities to get in touch with peers, ask experts for professional support, self-assess the maturity of their community energy project, and find a broad collection of resources.

    Topic: cross-cutting

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  • Energy Communities Hub
    Energy Communities Hub

    The aim of the Energy Communities hub is to provide an overview of regulatory developments related to renewable and citizens energy communities, country comparisons, and an overview of (emegering) energy communities following the EU definitions.

    Topic: cross-cutting

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  • SHAREs

    SHAREs supports the set-up of new and the expansion of existing energy communities by providing One-Stop-Shops in six EU-countries, information for setting up an energy community or a national energy community one-stop-shop, as well as communication strategies and materials.

    Topics: cross-cutting

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  • BECoop e-market
    BECoop e-market

    This tool supports stakeholders when developing a community bioenergy project and defining the required services and activities for supporting their own cases.

    Topic: bioenergy

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  • NRG2Peers platform
    NRG2Peers platform

    NRG2peers set up a gamified platform, supporting residential energy communities, to increase energy efficiency and to integrate a higher share of renewable energy.

    Topics: energy efficiency, RES production

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    An internet platform with free access providing an opportunity for monitoring of energy consumption and sharing knowledge and experience among European citizens to adopt more conscious behaviours in order to improve energy efficiency levels.

    Topics: energy efficiency, RES production

    Found via: UP-STAIRS

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  • Housing Evolutions
    Housing Evolutions

    A European-wide platform for communities of experts and practitioners to share and learn from innovation challenges that are crucial to enhance and promote their housing objectives. Developed as part of the NRG2peers project.

    Topics: home renovation, energy efficiency

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  • koordinationsstelle_logo
    Österreichische Koordinationsstelle für Energiegemeinschaften

    The Austrian coordination office for energy communities aims to foster the development of energy communities through education and information as well as best practice examples, services such as sample contracts, guidebooks, contact with service providers. It further serves as an intermediary between energy communities and legislative bodies.

    Topics: cross-cutting

    Found via: SHAREs

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  • BXL environnement logo
    Bruxelles Environnement / Facilitateur Partage et Communautés d'énergie

    The Brussels region has set up a free service to support citizens in setting up energy communities or energy sharing projects.

    Topic: cross-cutting

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  • Homegrade BXL logo
    Homegrade Brussels

    Homegrade Brussels is a one-stop-shop supporting individual homeowners as well as homeowners associations in renovating their buildings and improving their energy efficiency.

    Topic: building renovation

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  • Asenovgrad logo

    The One-Stop-Shop (OSS) initiative in Asenovgrad was established by the municipality in 2020-2021 to address the need for enhancing energy efficiency in large multifamily residential buildings, particularly those with more than 36 dwellings owned by individual owners. The reason for this focus was that these constellation face a challenge in triggering collective actions for energy refurbishment of the entire building. The initial financing for the OSS was secured by the municipality by participating as a pilot in the H2020 UP-STAIRS project.

    Topic: building renovation

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  • REGEA logo
    SHAREs OSS (operated by REGEA)

    The  North-West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency’s (REGEA) activities with energy communities began with their participation in the EU-funded SHAREs project in September 2021. One of REGEA’s objectives under this project was to develop a national one-stop-shop website for energy communities in Croatia, based on the WordPress template created by the SHAREs project.

    Topic: cross-cutting

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  • Île-de-France Énergies
    Île-de-France Énergies

    An integrated service provider offering technical design, implementation and operations, financing, and insurance services to owners of multifamily residential apartment buildings.

    Topics: home renovation, energy efficiency

    Found via: UP-STAIRS

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  • Hauts-de-France Pass Rénovation/PICARDIE
    Hauts-de-France Pass Rénovation/PICARDIE

    A technical and financial instrument designed by the regional Public Service for Energy Efficiency that develops concrete tools on the ground with the aim of simplifying procedures for its inhabitants.

    Topics: home renovation, energy efficiency

    Found via: UP-STAIRS

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  • SEAI logo
    Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI)

    In 2005, the Irish government set up the SEAI to provide support to energy communities. The motivation behind this initiative was to increase the uptake of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures whilst improving public acceptance and empowering communities. In 2012, the SEAI launched a financing scheme that would foster the take-up of renewable energy and community acceptance, whilst respecting the communities’ need to take ownership and increase their autonomy. Between 2012 and 2023, the SEAI has administered €210 million in grants. It does this via three main programmes:

    Topic: renewable energy, energy efficiency, building renovation

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  • AESS logo
    Agenzia per l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (AESS)

    On the back of a new regional law promoting energy communities and collective self-consumption projects published by the Emilia Romagna region (where AESS is based) in 2022, AESS started to develop services for energy communities. The Emilia Romagna region plans to allocate at least €12 million from the European Rural Development Fund to supporting energy communities.

    Topic: cross-cutting

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  • Energie Samen logo
    Energie Samen

    After the emergence of the European energy community definitions, Energie Samen decided to set up one overarching one-stop-shop to support the set-up and growth of energy community organizations and projects (moving beyond supporting only cooperatives). The idea is to provide one place where energy communities can find everything they need to do to successfully implement their projects.

    Topic: cross-cutting

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  • FAEN logo
    Regional Energy Agency Asturias (FAEN)

    The Asturias Regional Energy Agency (FAEN) has expanded its efforts to promote renewable energy sources to provide technical, financial, and administrative support for the development of energy communities in recent years.

    Topic: cross-cutting (focus on collective self-consumption)

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  • OECoop logo
    Osona Energia Cooperativa

    Osona Energía Cooperativa (OECoop) is a second-level energy cooperative that acts as a one-stop-shop to energy communities in the Spanish region of Osona, and extends its services to all of Catalonia. It was set up by four energy communities in 2022, with the active support of the local energy agency.

    Topic: cross-cutting

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  • Energy Housing Assessment Tool (ENERHAT)
    Energy Housing Assessment Tool (ENERHAT)

    Energy Housing Assessment Tool - Providing neutral and easy to understand information on energy efficiency for non-experts to facilitate decisions, Integration of data from different administrations that helps decision-making.

    Topic: energy efficiency

    Found via: UP-STAIRS

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