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Energy Communities Repository

This online policy database aims to establish an overview of the national developments on the provisions related to energy communities in the context of the Clean Energy Package collected by the Energy Communities Repository (ECR). It provides descriptive information on whether EU Member States have started (in blue on the map) or not (in grey) developing a framework for energy communities. It is not intended to be a qualitative assessment of whether policies, laws or regulations in place are compliant with the provisions of the EU legal framework, nor whether they are sufficient to define, regulate, enable or support energy communities. The review of the ECR is based on final legislation published before the end of March 2023. It does not include provisions that were not yet applicable then (i.e., published after March 2023, currently drafted or discussed). The ECR identified legal definitions and provisions in 23 Member States. For all these countries on the map, a country fiche providing an overview of the definition(s) as well as eventual rights and obligation, enabling framework, support schemes and assessment of barriers and potential for energy communities is or will be published.

For any comments or questions, please contact the Energy Communities Repository via email at infoatec-repository [dot] eu (info[at]ec-repository[dot]eu).

Currently, this website is not actively managed.

Disclaimer: The content of this map reflects only the author's view. The sole responsibility for the content of this map lies with the authors. This does not represent the European Union's opinion on the transposition and conformity of national legislation with EU provisions related to energy communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.