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Energy Communities Repository

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What is the Energy Communities Repository?

The Energy Communities Repository is an initiative on behalf of the European Commission to assist local actors (including citizens, local authorities, and businesses) with setting up and advancing clean energy projects driven by energy communities in urban areas across Europe. It ended in January 2024, after two years of fruitful activity.

The initiative contributed to a just transition to climate neutrality, enabling citizens to take ownership of energy consumption and production.

The Repository provided technical support to energy communities whose activities were primarily in urban areas. For rural communities, a second initiative, the Rural Energy Communities Advisory Hub, provided tailored technical assistance. The two programmes worked closely together.

Who was it for?

Citizens and civil society, energy communities, public authorities and governments, policymakers, local businesses... Every player with an interest in contributing to the development of energy communities across Europe!

What did it offer?

In practice, the Energy Communities Repository provided three main types of services:

  • Data collection & Analysis

    The Repository aimed to increase awareness, understanding, and engagementaround the topic of energy communities. To this end, it analyzed existing national legislations, including enabling and supporting frameworks, for energy communities and provided guidance to the Member States, regulators, EU policymakers, and financing institutions based on identified best practices. To showcase existing energy communities and track the development of new communities, the Repository built a database of energy communities, and carried out an impact assessment of the energy communities mapped.

  • Technical Assistance

    The Energy Communities Repository provided direct technical assistance, online twinning, and peer-learning activities, as well as capacity-building webinars and workshops.

    The initiative provided support to at least 150 energy communitiesin setting up their groups, advancing their projects, and developing financing concepts, and trained national expertsto support the development of national one-stop shops and encourage replication.

  • Best practices and Toolbox

    Through a dedicated website, the Energy Communities Repository shared best practices, guidance materials, a policy analysis database, a map of energy communities, a Helpdesk, etc.